
Divine Performing Arts: 2009 World Tour in Augusta -Fri, March 13, 2009 6:30 PM 神韵二零零九全球巡演奥古斯塔(世界最负盛名的、最难进入的世界顶级球员参加的美国高尔夫球名人赛所在城市)场演出 2009年3月13日周五

加入 2009-02-22 17:08:12 | 类别: 新闻纪实










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Divine Performing Arts: 2009 World Tour in Augusta -Fri, March 13, 2009 6:30 PM
神韻二零零九全球巡演奧古斯塔(世界最負盛名的、最难進入的世界顶级球员參加的美国高爾夫球名人赛所在城市)場演出 2009年3月13日週五
Tickets & Venue 門票與劇院資訊
Show schedule: 晚會時間:
* Fri, March 13, 2009 6:30 PM *2009年3月13日週五 6:30 PM
Live orchestra: Divine Performing Arts Orchestra
Buy tickets online from: 線上購票:
* ev9.evenue.net
Ticket hotlines:購票熱線:
Information hotline:
* 877-285-2285
Ticket hotline:
* 877-428-4849 (24/7)
Ticket prices:票價:
$89 $79 $59 $39 $29
Show venue:劇院:
William B. Bell Auditorium
Address 地址
712 Telfair Street
Augusta, GA 30901
United States

Directions to the Bell Auditorium

Divine Performing Arts: 2009 World Tour in Augusta -Fri, March 13, 2009 6:30 PM
神韻二零零九全球巡演奧古斯塔場演出 2009年3月13日週五
Inspired by the spirit of an ancient culture,
Divine Performing Arts brings to life classical Chinese
dance and music in a gloriously colorful and exhilarating show. With an
elite company of dancers, singers, and musicians, the New York-based Divine
Performing Arts comes to Huntsville, AL on February, 2009.
The company’s masterful choreography and graceful routines range from grand
classical processions to ethnic and folk dances, with gorgeously costumed
dancers moving in stunning synchronized patterns. Its themes are drawn from
the pages of history as well as our world today.
State-of-the-art backdrops conjure celestial palaces and pastoral vistas,
while groundbreaking music combines the best of Chinese and Western composition.
Taking inspiration from ancient heroic legends and modern courageous tales,
the breathtaking beauty of Divine Performing Arts is not to be missed.
被譽為當代藝術表演界奇跡的”美國神韻藝術團”, 2008年上半年的全球巡回演出規模空前,歷時141天,在歐、亞、美、澳四大洲66個城市演出215場,吸引了60萬現場觀眾。所到之處,滿場驚嘆,佳評如潮,甚至在世界各國掀起“中國古典舞熱”。

New Times Culture and Education Center 新時代文化教育中心
Southeast US Falun Dafa Association 美東南法輪大法學會

DPA Radiant in Radio City: Businessmen Praise the Show (Photos)DPA Radiant in Radio City: Businessmen Praise the Show (Photos)

(Clearwisdom.net) On January 25, 2009, on the eve of the Chinese New Year, the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) New York Company, combined with the Divine Performing Arts Touring Company, performed their final show at Radio City Music Hall in Manhattan. Many corporate executives who attended the show expressed their heartfelt praise for DPA.

Mr. Chen Hao (left) and Mr. Sageeya De Colb

International Executive: "I Treasure the Insights that I Gained from the Performances"

The two gentlemen pictured above are childhood friends. They come from different backgrounds, yet both of them are successful Manhattan businessmen. Mr. Chen Hao is the owner of an international floor material company, and Mr. Sageeya De Colb is the Vice President of an outdoor advertising company. They attended the show to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Mr. Chen Hao immigrated from Shanghai, China to the United States when he was only six years old. He often travels to China for business, but never watches any Chinese shows when he is there. He said, "The show we saw this evening is very exquisite. It is hard to decide which performance I like best! I understand all the spiritual messages that this show is expressing. I treasure the insights that I gained from the performances. And the music is very good. I admire the performers&9 artistic technique and their ability to express the show&9s inner meanings."

Vice President of Advertising Company: The Show Provides Spiritual Solutions to Life&9s Difficulties

Mr. Sageeya De Colb said, "This is a great show that should be viewed by more people, and people need to know about this show."

He continued, "This show is so beautiful, so fantastic! The choreography and all aspects of the show work in perfect harmony with each other. The dancers are very graceful, not only gentle and soft, but also powerful. It is pure beauty! The music is like a breeze, very soothing. The costumes are so pretty that they shook the audience with their colorful display. It is hard to express the feeling."

Mr. De Colb said, "The ending was a pleasant surprise with heavenly beings descending down to save people. This is a wonderful production!"

He said that he often attends different shows when he travels, but has never seen anything like the DPA show. He was impressed with both the content of the show and the rich cultural and spiritual inner meanings.

"At a time when the world&9s economy is on a decline, people need this show because it brings us genuine peace and serenity, which cannot be disturbed by anything," he said.

Mr. De Colb added, "There are so many problems that we have to face in this world, so many problems to solve, so many tribulations that we need to be able to break through. This show provides a proper perspective, enabling us to find spiritual solutions."

International CEO: DPA Helps Dissolve Misunderstandings about the Chinese People

Mr. Baker and his wife

Mr. Baker is the CEO of a large international company. He and his wife watched the last show held at Radio City. He thought the entire show was surprisingly marvelous, from its artistic expression to its spiritual content. This was his first time watching such a colorful and profound performance.

"Those performers are so pretty. I feel they are like angels, pure and graceful. The costumes are shockingly pretty, the music is very soothing, the backdrop is alive, unbelievably beautiful!" he said.

Mr. Baker added, "This show is very beautiful and meaningful. All the people--especially those who misunderstand Chinese--should come and watch it. Some Westerners think Chinese are no good, but that is a misunderstanding. In fact, it is not the Chinese that are not good, but the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that is not good. People easily mistake the CCP for China, thus they misunderstand the Chinese people. Their opinion of the CCP clouds their perception of the Chinese people."

"The Chinese performers are so beautiful, pure, kind, elegant, and understanding. I hope the Western world can see these traits. I hope that all Chinese people will strive to lead good lives, without persecution or hardships."

Posting date: 1/28/2009
Original article date: 1/28/2009
Category: Falun Dafa Worldwide
Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2009/1/26/194284.html


【明慧網二零零九年一月二十八日】(明慧記者劉東編譯報導)《談論百老匯》二零零九年一月二十二日刊登著名戲劇評論家Richard Connama對神韻新年晚會的評論。觀看過三千多場百老匯演出的Richard認為,天賦極高的舞蹈演員展現的是真正的中國五千年文明歷史。晚會讓人看到了中國古代的城池和栩栩如生的烽火台,在另一個場景中,看到佛從天而降,讓人大飽眼福。這場演出從各個角度來講都非常壯觀。





晚會有很多非常美妙的畫面。舞蹈《婆羅花開》中可愛的女舞蹈演員們讓我想起當年美國最著名的編舞Busby Berkeley編排的舞蹈畫面。領舞的技巧和身韻絕對一流。而演繹中國最受愛戴的詩人“醉仙”李白的舞蹈展現了一幅令人神往的畫面。



《談論百老匯》(Talkin&9 Broadway)是評論百老匯戲劇、查找百老匯演出、了解劇院消息的網上專業媒體。作者Richard Connama在二戰時,是一名戰地攝影師,拍攝過美軍佔領日本、飛虎隊在中國的情況。後在華納(Warner Bros)和派拉蒙(Paramount)電影公司任助理攝影師。多年來他已經觀看並評論了三千多場明星上演的百老匯劇目。

長度: 3分32秒  
作者/詞: 曉石  作曲: 曉石  配器: 陽陽
演唱: 同頌合唱團   

忽聞耳邊 天籟仙音 神韻贊(合唱)
長度: 3分32秒  
作者/詞: 曉石  作曲: 曉石  配器: 陽陽
演唱: 同頌合唱團   

忽聞耳邊 天籟仙音
但見眼前 神山祥云
歌聲猶如 神在叮嚀
穿越時空 震撼我心

天山手鼓 草原琴聲
水袖仙姿 長白倩影
英雄傳說 敦煌奇景
清宮雅韻 大唐鼓魂

行云流水 絢麗繽紛
情景交融 意境尤深
縱橫古今 高妙絕倫
曠古奇葩 千載難逢

美哉神韻 壯哉神韻
偉哉神韻 神韻真神


奧古斯塔 高球人的夢想球場


這個球場的創始人是業餘冠軍得主巴比‧瓊斯(Bobby Jones)。1930年他隱退,結束比賽生涯,打算建造一個屬於自己的高爾夫球場。這個球場,他可以和朋友切磋球藝,躲避那些到處追隨他的球迷們的注意。後來瓊斯就和他的好友,紐約巨商克里弗‧羅伯特(Clifford Robert)合作,共同建造他夢想實現的球場。

奧古斯塔位於南卡羅萊納邊境附近的一個山谷內,海拔137英呎。經他們兩共同的朋友湯姆斯‧貝瑞特(Thomas Barrett)推薦,瓊斯和羅伯特選擇一座果園用地,占地365公頃。留下了許多樹木和灌木叢,風景依然美好。一條木蘭樹遮護的林蔭大道直通古老的殖民期建築,形成如今奧古斯塔球場中心的格局。

瓊斯將一位英格蘭人艾利斯特‧ 麥肯尼茲(Alister Mackenzie)帶到這塊風景秀麗的場所,麥肯尼茲原來行醫,後來改行專門設計高爾夫球場。這塊果園為麥肯尼茲提供了一塊起伏柔和的場地,是他想像中與英格蘭家鄉類似的理想高爾夫球場。可惜的是,他在1934年--這座球場使用前夕去世。但是眾所周知,奧古斯塔是他最偉大的傑作。





奧古斯塔球場矗立在小山頂上,在山腳下,穿越一片松樹林後來到了球場的拐角處,這裏坐落著11、12、13洞,被稱為「阿門角」,眾多高爾夫高手勝敗在此。11洞是455碼長的4 桿洞,在果嶺的前面和左面有水塘環繞。



【2005/10/29 經濟日報】 》》

关键字:  神韵   二零零九   全球   巡演   奥古斯塔   演出   DPA
